Community Innovation

Community innovation is a strategic approach geared toward the development of innovative projects with high social, environmental and cultural impact. We create opportunities for collaboration between the public and private sectors, collaborating with institutional bodies, civil society and local actors.

We go beyond simply responding to individual needs, Promoting the development of districts, Encouraging active participation and achieving concrete, measurable results. We generate a positive and lasting impact nationally and internationally through the creation of economically sustainable and replicable initiatives.


We provide a comprehensive ecosystem of innovation support services, from developing new ideas to creating independent and successful ventures.


We provide a comprehensive ecosystem of innovation support services, from developing new ideas to creating independent and successful ventures.


We provide a comprehensive ecosystem of innovation support services, from developing new ideas to creating independent and successful ventures.


We support the development and growth of entrepreneurial entities that can generate positive impact and build responsible and sustainable business models. We foster the digital transition by strengthening the competencies of organizations of the social economy. We increase the opportunities for training and development of people, starting with the youngest.

Case History

Culture to responsible entrepreneurship

Implementation of innovation strategies and processes to generate social impact through the transfer of best practices and models of reference. We provide a comprehensive ecosystem of innovation support services, from developing new ideas to creating independent and successful ventures.

Supporting digital transformation

Facilitation to the design and implementation of digital transition strategies and processes in social economy organizations.

Responsible entrepreneurial support programs

Analysis of the innovation needs of social economy operators, selection and development of the best solutions a impact in the field of technology, social e environmental.


Support the creation of impactful innovation ecosystems capable of responding to the needs of territories and providing opportunities through participatory pathways and the engagement of local communities. We collaborate with agencies and institutions to create pathways to support international cooperation.

Case History

Educational pathways on civic engagement initiatives

Design and implementation of educational pathways for civic engagement through technology platforms, gamification, activities on the ground.

Match-making with innovative impactful subjects

Connecting startups, civil society organizations, and strategic partners to facilitate and promote collaborations multistakeholders.


We foster community enhancement through programs of formation, welfare, urban regeneration and stakeholder engagement activities. We support the development and growth of local networks through connection and contamination between local entities and innovative realities.

Case History

Responsible community welfare

Promotion of Territorial networks of businesses and citizens for the provision and use of supplementary welfare services within a specific community.

Community regeneration

Activities of stakeholder engagement, community management and shared design to address specific social and community needs in public and private places.


We preserve the area’s production chains and intergenerational continuity by fostering the meeting of talent, knowledge and business. In addition, we renew the positioning and operating models of cultura, stimulating collaboration with startups and innovative market solutions.

Case History

Access to impact investing

Investment access support and contact with impact investors. Measuring and evaluating the social and environmental impact of organizations and projects.

Co-designed events

Co-design and co-creation of formats dedicated to sustainability and good innovation practices.

Do you want to know more?

Book a call with

Consuelo Di Pietro

Stakeholder Engagement Manager

Our innovation is responsible

Read the impact report

The team

Community Innovation

We have worked with:

Regione Lombardia
Fondazione Compagnia di SanPaolo
Comune Milano
Fondazione Cariplo

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