Call for Solutions – Sustainable Food Systems is an initiative launched as part of the Horizon2020 project Food Trails, set up to develop sustainable, healthy and inclusive food policies in 11 European cities: Bergamo, Birmingham, Bordeaux Metropole, Copenhagen, Funchal, Grenoble-Alpes Metropole, Groningen, Milan, Thessaloniki, Tirana and Warsaw.
The call aims to select innovative startups and SMEs to collaborate with Food Trails partner cities in developing strategic solutions to enhance the sustainability of urban food systems.
7 Challenge Areas
The 11 Food Trails cities contributed to defining the challenges addressed in the call. This call seeks startups and SMEs capable of developing innovative solutions across seven key thematic areas, crucial for improving the sustainability of urban food systems:

Relive the Match-Making Day

Stages and timing
Collecting applications
by 16 February 2023
Selection Applications
by 17 April 2023
Match – Making Day
by June 2023