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Cariplo Factory for

Federated Innovation @MIND

Launched within the Milan Innovation District (MIND), Federated Innovation @MIND is a network that currently involves about 40 corporate from different sectors operating on the City of the Future and Future of Health domains.

Inside this ecosystem innovation and research come together to solve the most important challenges of our time, creatingbusiness modelsthat can have a tangible impact on the market Through inter-firm collaboration in a pre-competitive environment..

The Network works to ground cross-thematic innovation initiatives through a system of collaborations in which companies are involved in public-private multistakeholder projects. It also facilitates the adoption of innovative solutions through the network of innovative startups and SMEs that are part of the ecosystem, which consists of about 200 entities.

The Federated Innovation model also bases its success on extensive collaboration with academia and research, building on the anchors of the MIND district, contributing to the emergence of advanced solutions and adoption of emerging technologies in strategic sectors such as health, energy and smart cities.


key numbers

Building and strengthening positioning

Of the Network at the institutional level and creation of public-private partnerships

Workshops and training tracks

With the aim of promoting a culture of innovation within participating companies

Launching innovative projects beyond open innovation

That have led to concrete collaborations between corporate and startups

Creation of technology roadmaps

Useful in guiding enterprises toward digital and sustainable transformation

Organization of meetings and events

Who have promoted discussion and dialogue with institutions and other relevant stakeholders for purposes related to innovation initiatives