In Italy, only one in five businesses is headed by a woman. In Italy, only one in five businesses is headed by a woman. And the situation with startups is not very different. In the US, a privileged country for innovation, 71% of startups have a completely male board, a fact that is confirmed even for top positions since only 57% of American startups can count on female c-level managers.
These data perfectly depict the gap in innovation,even in the world of innovation, in terms of gender diversity. Yet, many studies show that female-led startups are more likely to receive investment because they are more oriented towards identifying market needs and seizing new business opportunities.This is confirmed by the trend of venture capital to pay particular attention to start-ups founded or led by women.

Cariplo Factory dedicates Pow(H)er Generation – How to Make a Difference to innovative companies and female entrepreneurs. The report highlights their resourcefulness, strategic vision, achievements, and the impact generated by their businesses. A way to give voice and learn more about the history of those who are at the forefront of this change, within the innovation ecosystem in Italy.
Pow(H)er Generation
A report that involved 110 innovative Italian startups with the aim of telling the enterprising, strategic vision, passion, dedication, courage and impact of companies created or led by these entrepreneurs of innovation. A way to give voice and learn more about the story of those who are contributing to a epoch change that will benefit many.

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