
Call for Innovators – Circular Economy Winners

During the Coopen Selection Day dedicated to the circular economy, the 4 winning teams were announced. Here are the partnerships between the innovators and the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs):


  • Fondazione Acra & Climate Smart Agricultural
  • Fondazione Avsi & Marula ProTeen Ldt
  • LVIA & Mercato Circolare S.r.l.
  • LiveinSlums & ValueBin S.r.l.


The 4 teams will carry out, together with the Civil Society Organizations involved in the Coopen participative programme, the proposed solutions to address some of the challenges of the circular economy:


  • Reducing garbage production
  • Incentivizing reuse and recycling
  • Autonomy, cooperation and support networks in circular economy projects


Taking into consideration also the opinion of the CSOs involved in the process, the jury that selected the winners was composed by:


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