
Coopen Summit 2023, the second edition is coming!

The digital curtain of Coopen Summit 2023 | Voices of African Innovation will reopen on April 18th, returning to give voice to the international partnerships made of Civil Society Organizations and Innovators active in the participatory path Coopen.

The initiatives that will be presented are the result of the synergistic activities carried out within the Call for Innovators Health and Well-being, one of the three thematic calls of the Coopen initiative, which is part of the program Innovazione per lo Sviluppo promoted by Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, and is managed by Cariplo Factory with the contribution of JengaLab, Centro Tiresia del Politecnico di Milano and Effecinque 


On April 18th, 7 Civil Society Organizations and 7 Innovators will present their projects answering to the challenge areas of the Call for Innovators: 

  • Promote the training of qualified medical and health personnel 
  • Maintenance of machinery and medical instruments 
  • Construction of health environments and infrastructures 
  • Collect and organize clinical data 
  • Prevention in local communities and vulnerable groups 


Alongside the partnerships national and international speakers, operating mainly at an institutional level and in the world of international cooperation, will also join the digital stage and share experiences and best practices in the field of health and well-being. 

Thanks to the success of the first edition of Coopen Summit 2022 | Voices of African Innovation, the Coopen digital kermesse confirms itself as a bridge between Africa and Italy to be inspired by innovative and high-impact projects. A unique moment to meet international live speakers and generative players. 


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