
In arrivo l’evento Coopen Summit | Voices of African Innovation 2022

È tempo di incontro, confronto e ispirazione, è tempo di Coopen Summit | Voices of African Innovation 2022. Il prossimo 24 novembre 2022, 11 Organizzazioni della Società Civile e 10 soggetti innovatori italiani e africani si incontreranno in diretta live streaming per raccontare i loro progetti innovativi.  

Le iniziative presentate sono frutto delle attività sinergiche svolte grazie alle Call for Innovators Economia Circolare, Alimentazione e Agricoltura Sostenibile e due percorsi partecipativi dell’iniziativa Coopen, che è parte del programma Innovazione per lo Sviluppo promosso da Fondazione Cariplo e Compagnia San Paolo ed è gestita da Cariplo Factory, con il contributo di JengaLab, Centro Tiresia del Politecnico di Milano e Effecinque.

Durante l’evento Coopen Summit | Voices of African Innovation 2022, i relatori nazionali ed europei operanti principalmente a livello istituzionale e nel mondo della cooperazione internazionale si confronteranno sulle tematiche alimentazione e agricoltura sostenibile ed economia circolare. Inoltre, saranno presentati i progetti di innovazione sviluppati dalle Organizzazioni della Società Civile e si dibatterà sui terreni e le opportunità rimasti ancora inesplorati. I partecipanti avranno l’occasione di prendere parte a sessioni di networking, confrontandosi con le Organizzazioni della Società Civile e i Soggetti Innovatori per indagare sinergie future e best practice. Coopen Summit | Voices of African Innovation 2022 si conferma un ponte tra Africa e Italia per lasciarsi ispirare da progetti innovativi, generativi e ad alto impatto. Un momento unico per incontrare live speaker internazionali e realtà generative.


11:00-11:25 | Benvenuto e saluti istituzionali 

Gladys H. Morales, Senior Innovation Adviser at the Change Delivery and Innovation Unit – IFAD 

Deep dive Coopen

11:25-11:30 | Video Saluto Stainer

11:35-11:55 | Keynote speech Alimentazione e Agricoltura sostenibile // Cooperazione e Sviluppo 

Caroline Legros, Deputy Director Innovation and Knowledge Management Division – World Food Programme 

11:55-12:30 | Presentazione dei progetti  

•Innovative solutions for pig tracing, Kenya | Mani Tese – GenePlus Global Limited 

•Traceability and product quality system for fresh products in Ethiopian agri value chain, Ethiopia | LVIA – Apio S.r.l 

•Sénégal Circulaire, Senegal | LVIA – Mercato Circolare S.r.l. 

12:30-13:00 | Sessione di networking 

13:10-14:00 | Lunch Break & One to One   

14:00-14:20 | Keynote speech Economia Circolare 

Amelia Kuch, Circular Economy Policy Manager – Ellen MacArthur Foundation   

14:20-15:00 | Presentazione dei progetti 

•Valorization and Resilience of local seeds in Nakuru, Kenya | Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità – Seed Team 

•Agro-enterprise for sustainable development, Senegal | ENGIM – Mobique Srl 

•Informed Decision Processes: pilot project of data collection among pastoral communities in Isiolo County, Kenya | Actionaid – TriM s.r.l  

•Eco platform for plastic collection and recycling in Mathare, Kenya | LiveinSlums onlus – ValueBin S.r.l 

15:00-15:30 | Sessione di networking 

15:30-16:10 | Presentazione dei progetti 

•Agriculture 2.0 for Alito, Uganda | C&D – Lentera Africa  

•Enhancements of skills and productivity of 500 small farmers in Meru County, Kenya | CEFA/COL’OR NGO – Lentera Africa 

•Innovative technology at the service of a sustainable agricultural model in Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso | Fondazione ACRA – Primo Principio 

•Value From Waste, Uganda | Fondazione AVSI – Marula ProTeen Ldt 

16:10-16:40 | Sessione di networking  

16:40-17:00 | Saluti keynote speech 

Maximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist – Food and Agriculture Organization

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Gladys H. Morales

Gladys H. Morales is Senior Innovation Adviser at the Change Delivery and Innovation Unit at the Office of the President and the Vice-President of IFAD, where she leads the design and implementation of corporate innovation initiatives and partnerships aiming to support testing, learning and scaling up solutions that target the rural poor.  

Gladys has led the digital transformation of Government and UN agencies’ projects in Latin America, Asia and Europe. She is also familiar with the startup eco-system having worked in a management position for a digital advertising startup while she was living in Indonesia and founding her own startup in Italy. Before joining IFAD, Gladys was an Advisor at the International Poverty Reduction Centre in China (IPRCC) where she led the design of digital platforms and established partnerships and knowledge networks for the Global Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth (GPIG) Portal. She is the Regional Ambassador in Italy of the Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC). Gladys is a graduate from the Executive Programme on Digital Business Leadership at Columbia Business School, Columbia University in New York; and the Executive Programme in Artificial Intelligence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachussets. Gladys also has a Master in Development Economics and International Cooperation from University of Rome, Tor Vergata and a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service and International Economics from Georgetown University.  

Amelia Kuch 

Dr Amelia Kuch leads the policy insights work at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, developing and communicating policy insights to national and city governments and other key ecosystem players, including businesses and universities. Her work is driven by a belief that an inspiring, positive vision is essential for any large-scale transformation. Prior to joining the Foundation, she worked as a researcher and consultant in Europe and Africa, covering various topics including migration, land reform, and urban development. Amelia has PhD in International Development from the University of Edinburgh and is an alumna of the University of Oxford.

Caroline Legros

Caroline Legros is the Deputy Director of the Innovation and Knowledge Management Division within the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). The focus of the Innovation and Knowledge Management Division is to support WFP’s quest for continual innovation and learning to accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development goal of a world with zero hunger by 2030. To this role, Caroline brings nearly 20 years of working experience throughout the UN system, including as Deputy Director of the WFP China Centre of Excellence for South-South Cooperation, Head of Corporate Partnerships at UNHCR, Partnerships Manager, and numerous operational roles with WFP in India, DPR Korea, Iraq and Jordan.

Maximo Torero Cullen

Mr. Maximo Torero Cullen is the Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). He joined the Organization in January 2019 as Assistant Director-General for the Economic and Social Development Department. Prior to joining FAO, he was the World Bank Group Executive Director for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay since November 2016 and before the Bank Mr. Torero led the Division of the Markets, Trade, and Institutions at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). His major research work lies mostly in analyzing poverty, inequality, importance of geography and assets (private or public) in explaining poverty, and in policies oriented towards poverty alleviation based on the role played by infrastructure, institutions, and on how technological breakthroughs (or discontinuities) can improve the welfare of households and small farmers.

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